Ruby Thuy Nguyen is a senior systems engineer at Idaho National Laboratory. Her work seeks to understand human impacts on natural resources (especially critical materials) and mechanisms to reduce impacts such as recycling, substitution and reducing material intensity. An important aspect of her work is linking economic drivers, environmental factors and technology development to shed light on how new technology adoption will be driven by a combination of economic and environmental factors. Some examples of her recent work include: Lamers, P., Nguyen, R., Hartley, D., Hansen, J. and Searcy, E. Biomass Market Dynamics Supporting the Large-Scale Deployment of High-Octane Fuel Production in the United States. GCB Bioenergy. (In Press). Nguyen, R.T., Fishman, T., Fu, Z., Imholte, D. and Graedel, T. (2018). Analyzing Critical Material Demand: A Revised Approach. Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.283 Imholte, D., Nguyen, R.T., Brown, M., Iyer, A., Vedantam, V., Smith B., Collins, J., Anderson, C. and O’Kelley, B. (2018), An Assessment of U.S. Rare Earth Availability for Supporting U.S. Wind Energy Growth. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.11.001 Nguyen, R.T., Diaz, L.A., Imholte, D.D. and Lister,T.E. (2017). Economic Assessment for Recycling Critical Metals from Hard Disk Drives Using a Comprehensive Recovery Process. JOM. DOI: 10.1007/s11837-017-2399-2.