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Washington State University

Johannes Hämmerli

Assistant Professor

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Ph.D. James Cook University, Australia
MSc. University of Bern, Switzerland
BSc. University of Bern, Switzerland

Research Interests:

I am using the geochemical composition of minerals to gain insights into crustal processes such as fluid flow, element mobility (e.g., base metals), and the behavior of halogens and other volatiles during metamorphic processes in order to better understand their global cycles. In order to unlock geochemical archives of minerals, I use a wide range of micro-analytical methods including SIMS, FTIR, EPMA, LA-MC-ICP-MS.


SOE 350 “Earth Materials”
SOE 356 “Magmatic Processes”
SOE 357 “Metamorphic Processes”

Current Graduate Students:

  • Lily Wallenbrock
  • Mollie Pope
  • Elizabeth Urban
  • Brianna Dowler
  • Shane Scoggin

Current Undergraduate Students:

  • Marcus Foster (McNair Student)
  • Sara Rodriguez
  • Alex Aiken

Publications (5 most recent):

Hammerli, J. Jenkins, D.J., Collins, D.P. (2024) Exchange experiments for chlorine and bromine partitioning in scapolite at variable fluid salinities, pressures, and temperatures: Implications for tracing crustal fluid sources via Cl/Br ratios in scapolite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Shulaker, D., Gordon, S., Hammerli J., DesOrmeau, J. (2024) Fluid-driven mass transfer during retrograde metamorphism and exhumation of the UHP Western Gneiss Region terrane, Norway. G3

Tucker, N., Hammerli, J. Kemp, A.I.S., Rowe, M. L., Gray, C.M., Jeon, H., Whitehouse, M., Roberts, M. (2024) Ultra-high thermal gradient granulites in the Narryer Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, provide a window into the composition and formation of Archean lower crust. Journal of Metamorphic Geology

Stirling, S., Denyszyn, S., Loucks, R., Kemp, T., Hammerli, J., Fiorentini, M., Vervoort, J. (2023). Formation of continental crust by magmatic underplating revealed by high-precision geochronology. Geology

Hammerli, J., and Boroughs, S. (2023) Interference-free electron probe micro-analysis of bromine in halogen-bearing minerals and glasses: High-resolution measurements and quantitative elemental mapping. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry