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Emily Evenson

Emily headshot.

Emily Evenson


Background: Undergraduate Student in Wildlife Ecology with minor in Forestry and Geospatial Analysis

Contributions: Teacher Assistant

Hi! My name is Emily Evenson and I’m a senior (2021) majoring in Wildlife Ecology with minors in Forestry and Geospatial Analysis. I took SOE-300 my sophomore year and am very excited to be back and assist as a TA!

I grew up in western Washington, where I was exposed to many outdoor activities, driving my interests toward marine biology and ecology. Just this summer, I was an intern for the University of Washington, in collaboration with NOAA, where I researched kelp populations with a focus on how kelp has responded to anthropogenic changes in Alaska in the last century. I hope to continue my education in the future by going to graduate school.  

In my free time, I love reading, hiking, birding, hanging out with loved ones, and exploring around the Palouse!