Photo Gallery

Photo Locations

Map showing the locations of photos below showing numbers 1-4 in the Blue Mountains in Oregon and Washington, USA
Locations of various photos below in the Blue Mountains, Oregon and Washington, USA. Numbers correspond to: (1) Wheeler Point Fire; (2) Flagtail Fire; (3) Egley Complex Fire; (4) School Fire

Field Photos

A field site at sunrise in a post-fire landscape
Sunrise field measurements at the Wheeler Point fire scar in the Umatilla National Forest (Map ID: 1)
Various tree snags in a field site with scattered shrubs and seedlings
A ‘graveyard’ of tree snags at the Flagtail fire scar in the Malheur National Forest (Map ID: 2)
A dense patch of bright green lodgepole pine seedlings
Dense serotinous regrowth of lodgepole pine at the Flagtail fire in the Malheur National Forest (Map ID: 2)
A field site with high tree mortality in the background and a patch of ponderosa pine with some scattered dead trees and shrubs
High severity burn scar resulting from the Egley Complex fire in the Malheur National Forest (Map ID: 3)

Drone Imagery

Post-doctoral researcher, Amanda Stahl, contributed a series of drone images to this project

Drone imagery of post-fire vegetation
Post-fire vegetation at the School Fire site in southeastern Washington (Map ID: 4)
Multispectral imagery in the school fire showing live trees, a road, and dead fallen trees
Multispectral imagery (RGB + red edge + near infrared bands) collected with Micasense RedEdge MX at 60m altitude
Surface model of dead fallen trees and live trees
Surface model derived from true color images collected at 43-60m altitude